Having a baby is a transformative experience. One second, you’re in labor and giving birth to your bundle of joy, and the next, you’re back home with a newborn, facing sleepless nights while trying to physically and emotionally recover — it’s a lot! Mothers are superheroes, but it’s easy to forget how important taking care of yourself is when prioritizing a new baby. Here are some postpartum care tips to help you navigate this transition:

1. Ask for Help

In the hustle and bustle of having a newborn, it can be challenging to ask for help or even to determine what exactly you need help with and when. However, it’s true when people say it takes a village to raise a child, so use your village as often as possible, especially in the beginning when things are particularly challenging. Whether it’s helping with dinner, watching the baby while you shower, or offering emotional support, a little assistance can make a big difference.

2. Establish Routines

Establishing routines postpartum isn’t about setting strict schedules because — let’s face it, newborns are anything but predictable. A good routine considers the unpredictability of a newborn’s needs while providing enough structure and stability to give you a sense of control. 

As your newborn adjusts to the world around them, you’ll start to get a general idea of their eating, sleeping, and waking patterns. This knowledge can be used to your advantage, allowing you to carve out time for self-care, such as a refreshing shower or a nap, which are crucial for recharging and being an effective caregiver. 

As your routine becomes stronger and more predictable, you can do things like meal prep, laundry, or other tasks that make your life easier while navigating the postpartum journey. It may take time for your baby to fall into a proper routine, but once they do, it’ll be efficient and beneficial for both of you.

3. Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care may seem like a luxury rather than a necessity during the postpartum period. However, prioritizing it can help you feel better about yourself and, in turn, be a more effective caregiver. After all, there’s a reason why they say you need to put on your oxygen mask before helping others on an airplane. Schedule time to engage in activities that make you happy. Self-care can be as simple as taking a walk or having an hour to yourself to read a book. 

4. Be Kind to Yourself 

Whether you gave birth vaginally or had a c-section, you delivered an entire human being after carrying them inside of you for nine months. That is no easy feat, and you should be extremely proud. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself. You won’t be perfect, and you’ll have moments where you’ll be overwhelmed and need to step back and delegate tasks to others — and that’s more than okay.

It’s important to understand the spectrum of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders to ensure your postpartum well-being. Distinguishing between the common, short-lived baby blues and the more serious postpartum depression and anxiety disorders is crucial for early intervention. Talk to your doctor and seek help from a counselor or other professional if necessary.

Get Professional Support Here

Postpartum is a challenging yet extremely rewarding time. Ask for help, establish routines, prioritize self-care, and be kind to yourself throughout each step of the journey. If you need professional support, Pacific Gynecology and Obstetrics Medical Group is here for you. We offer comprehensive care to help you navigate pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment with our expert team.