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What Happens When You Stop Birth Control?

You might stop taking birth control pills for one or more of several reasons: You want to get pregnant You’re starting menopause You’ve decided to practice a different form of contraception Your reasons are related sometimes to your health, and other times to your lifestyle. If you’ve decided to stop birth control, here’s what you

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Dr. Rebecca Yee Appears in Brown & Toland Commerical

Dr. Rebecca Yee of PGOMG recently appeared in a commercial for Brown & Toland. From Brown & Toland, “Brown & Toland Physicians is a community of independent doctors who work for their patients, and no one else. Some of our physicians care for generations of families, many volunteer their time to give back to the

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Five Women’s Healthcare Goals to Set for the New Year

Holistic women’s healthcare has a lot of moving parts — including everyday activities like eating, sleeping and brushing your teeth, as well as sporadic preventative care like mammograms and hysteroscopy. Here are five easy-to-achieve goals to set for the new year when it comes to your health and wellness. Schedule your annual exam. Don’t let

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Do I Need to Tell My Gynecologist That I Want to Get Pregnant?

Ideally, your relationship with your gynecologist includes open lines of communication. If you share your desire to get pregnant, they’ll be able to help you prepare for pregnancy through good gynecological health. In fact, you can even opt for preconception counseling with an OB/GYN – who may be your current doctor or one affiliated with

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How to Maintain a Healthy Vaginal pH

The internet — and likely the magazines in the supermarket checkout line — are full of tips to help you achieve and maintain a healthy vaginal pH. Eat yogurt. Douche with vinegar and water. There’s lots of free advice out there, but how do you know what’s safe and what’s harmful? Your vaginal pH is

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Do I Need to See a Doctor for Menopause?

The question of whether or not to see a doctor for menopause leads to questions about quality of life. Not every woman experiences menopause the same way. While some studies have shown that 80% of women undergoing menopause reported no decrease in quality of life, menopause research is limited, especially in minority populations. You should

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When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Choosing when you should take a pregnancy test requires a little bit of self-control. Those first few days after trying to conceive a baby can be an exciting — or a nerve-racking — time, depending on your personal threshold for uncertainty. The same goes for those first few days after your period was supposed to

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Taking Care of Your Sexual Health

Most of the time, taking care of your sexual health comes down to commonsense decisions that need to be made during every sexual encounter. Using protection and contraception (and doing so properly) is essential, but unfortunately there are many misconceptions about which protection protects against what and how contraception really works. Your PGOMG provider is

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10 Tips to Help Women Have a Healthy Summer

Self-care during the summer is just as important as during the cooler months. A lot of self-care simply involves being aware of what your body is telling you it needs and being proactive when it comes to changes or symptoms. It’s easy to dismiss the latter, and even easier to hope an issue will go

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May Is Preeclampsia Awareness Month

Preeclampsia is a very serious pregnancy condition that requires immediate medical care. If you have questions or concerns about preeclampsia, please contact your PGOMG provider immediately. If symptoms develop, please seek emergency medical care first. What are the symptoms of preeclampsia? High blood pressure Urine tests positive for protein Swollen legs and feet Fatigue Blurred

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