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Endometriosis Awareness: What Everyone Should Know

Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrial-like tissue grows beyond the uterus, and implants on other organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the abdomen. Unfortunately, the symptoms of endometriosis resemble those of other diseases such as irritable bowel disease (IBD), or are commonly mistaken as typical signs of menstruation. The confusion around endometriosis

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Periods 101: The Importance of Tracking Your Menstrual Cycles

For many women, “the menstrual cycle” is often compartmentalized to “that time of the month,” when in reality our bodies are undergoing changes throughout all times of the month. The menstrual cycle spans an average of 28 days, with our periods marking day 1 of a new cycle. It’s a common belief that hormonal fluctuations

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Periods 101: What You Should Know About Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy bleeding, also known as menorrhagia, affects approximately one out of every five women in the U.S., making it one of the most common issues women report to their doctors. Typically, menstrual bleeding is considered heavy if your tampon or pad needs to be changed every 2 hours, or you pass clots the size of

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Things to Consider When Switching Birth Control

When it comes to birth control, the options are endless. Contraceptives take many forms, and you may be taking contraceptives for a number of reasons from preventing pregnancy to regulating your cycle. Birth control can be completely tailored to your needs, and those needs may change over time. You may need or want to switch

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Why Folic Acid Is Important During Pregnancy and When Trying to Conceive

If you are pregnant or trying to conceive, it is crucial that you get proper nutrients and vitamins. Because of this, your daily routine may change. As you prepare your body to carry a baby to term, you may change your diet, work out more, or ramp up your vitamin intake. Vitamin D, E, fish

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Is Having a Miscarriage Preventable?

One of the first questions patients who’ve experienced a miscarriage ask during a follow-up appointment with our office is, “Did I do something wrong?”  It’s a heartbreaking question and one that is very common among women who’ve miscarried. We also know that it can be a private thought, one that is presented as a small

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When Does Menopause Start?

Around the age of 40, many women wonder about the possibility of when menopause will start. Perhaps this is around the age when your mother or grandmother started experiencing symptoms. Or, maybe menopause is on your mind because you’re feeling the effects of your current age within your body.  The truth is, the question of

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Can I Switch to Another Form of Birth Control?

Sometimes it’s out of habit, and sometimes it’s from genuinely not realizing that a change is possible, but many women stick with their current form of birth control even when it’s not working out. Birth control is supposed to make life easier, but this is not always the case. Instead of feeling protected from the

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5 Pregnancy Experiences You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

We’ve all heard of the most common pregnancy symptoms – nausea, vomiting, heartburn, back pain, fatigue, etc. However, the full range of pregnancy symptoms would surprise most people. Pregnancy can be a very different experience from one woman to another. What one woman can find difficult and potentially damaging to her quality of life, another

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What Happens If I Skip My Annual Exam?

Once a year, it is highly recommended that women attend an annual exam with their gynecologist. Of course, spending time at a doctor’s office might not be your favorite to-do list item, but there is a reason why medical professionals deem it necessary. Annual exams, or annual well-woman exams, are used as preventative care. They

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