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Post-Pregnancy 101: What to Expect after Delivery

Post-pregnancy care tends to fly under the cultural radar surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. In all of the excitement over knowing that you will soon grow your family, and with all of the stories from family and friends about childbirth, what happens after is easily skipped over until you’re ready to leave whenever you’ve chosen to

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What Cures a Yeast Infection?

When too many yeast cells grow in a woman’s vagina, then a yeast infection is to blame. Most women would probably be surprised to learn that yeast, a fungus, exists normally in their vagina without issue – that it’s actually entirely healthy. However, when too much yeast occurs due to an imbalance, then an infection

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So, Why Do I Need a Pap Test?

A Pap test, more commonly called a Pap smear, is a standard part of a PGOMG annual well woman exam. During the Pap test, your provider will gently collect cells from your cervix, and these cells are then sent for analysis. If an abnormality is found as a result of the tested cells, your provider

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Are You at Risk for Ovarian Cancer?

As September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, PGOMG wants to help educate mothers, daughters and grandmothers who visit our practice regarding common risk factors associated with ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a particularly deceptive form of cancer – it can go undetected until it spreads to other areas of the body, such as the abdomen.

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Tubal Ligation vs. Contraception: What’s Best for You?

When it comes to contraceptive options, a decision will depend on your lifestyle and family planning goals – the same goes for those who are deciding between a tubal ligation and contraception such as the pill or an IUD. Every woman considering birth control options or considering changing her birth control is different. Perhaps you’ve

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How to Make the Most Out of Your PGOMG Appointment

We understand how you feel – visiting your provider may not be at the top of your to-do list. In order to help make the experience of visiting your PGOMG provider as easy, straightforward and pleasant as possible, we’ve provided a guide below. Whether you’re visiting our office for an annual well-woman exam or you

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Is an IUD the Best Form of Birth Control? Some Say “Yes”

At PGOMG, we offer women a range of contraceptive options in order to meet family planning needs. One option in particular has made headlines in the past few months, with some arguing that it is the best form of birth control currently on the market – this is the position taken by those who favor

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Menopause FAQs by PGOMG

Menopause can be a difficult transition for women since this period in a woman’s life can bring unpleasant symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, sleep troubles and more. For many, the terms “menopause” and “hot flash” are practically synonymous, but this does little to educate or spread understanding about the experience of menopause, how it

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How to Talk to Your Teenager about STDs

The Facts about Teenagers and STDs Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are particularly present in teenagers. Of the roughly 20 million new STD cases that arise each year, about 10 million are diagnosed in individuals in the 15-24 age range. There are actually a few reasons why STDs are so routinely seen in teens and young

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Can I Work Out While Pregnant?

For women with regular exercise routines, or for women who want to start exercising during their pregnancy in order to stay healthy and active, a common concern is: Can I work out while pregnant? Is it safe?  In the past, women were discouraged from exercising during pregnancy. For previous generations of women, pregnancy was a time

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