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The Top Five Excuses Women Use to Avoid the Gynecologist

At PGOMG, we hear many reasons why women delay scheduling their annual well-woman exams. Screenings conducted at an annual well-woman exam are the first step in preventative care, allowing providers a chance to effectively catch a potential health concern before it escalates into a serious or chronic problem. Despite these benefits, the well-woman exam is

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10 HPV Facts Teens Need to Know

How can I get HPV? Do I really need a vaccine to prevent it? What are the symptoms of HPV? Can I get HPV if I’m monogamous? Is there a cure? HPV is a topic that many teenagers are familiar with, but often only on a surface level. They’ve probably heard of HPV and know

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The Five Menopause Symptoms You Won’t See Coming

The hot flash might be the most well-known symptom of menopause, but there are a number of other menopause symptoms that women may find surprising. Menopause is a natural process that typically begins in your 40s or 50s when periods stop and a woman is no longer fertile. The experience of going through menopause can

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Should I Be Worried About the Zika Virus?

Developments about the Zika virus have made headline after headline since early 2016, leading many Americans, especially pregnant women, to wonder if they should be worried about the virus and if it will affect their summer travel plans. These are all legitimate concerns. The CDC maintains a thorough up-to-date guide to help stop the spread

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I Need Help Getting Pregnant. What Can I Do?

You’ve decided that you are ready to build your family, you stop using contraception, and then the first pregnancy test is negative. Perfectly understandable, right? However, what happens when every pregnancy test comes back negative? What can couples do when a pregnancy that seemed so expected months ago isn’t happening? The first thing you should

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10 Things No One Ever Tells You about Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression

1. The “baby blues” and postpartum depression are not the same. “Baby blues” may refer to the common mood swings, sadness, irritability and anxiety that women can experience after pregnancy and giving birth. Postpartum depression is more severe, with symptoms often lasting longer than a few weeks. 2. Postpartum depression’s symptoms can include insomnia; loss

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Finding an OB/GYN Near Me in San Francisco

Are you looking for a new OB/GYN? If you recently moved, found a new job, or if you’re looking for a new provider, you may be in the midst of an exhausting search. Finding the right OB/GYN near you in San Francisco doesn’t have to be a difficult task, though. Many women dread searching for

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How to Find Out If Your Period Isn’t Normal

Concerns about whether a period is or isn’t normal are incredibly common among menstruating women. Because the experience of having a period can vary so widely from month to month and from woman to woman, the qualifications of having a so-called “normal period” are not often viewed as universal. Then length of your period, heaviness

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Can I Tell If My Pregnancy Is Ectopic?

An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg implants or attaches somewhere other than a woman’s uterus. Ectopic pregnancies frequently implant in the Fallopian tubes. An ectopic pregnancy cannot turn into a normal pregnancy. At PGOMG, we understand the sensitivity and compassion needed in cases of ectopic pregnancy, and we are experienced in providing the

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The Top 10 Birth Control FAQs

The term “birth control” most often refers to the birth control pill, but it is also a broad reference to all contraception, which includes options such as the Mirena IUD or Nexplanon. PGOMG offers women a range of contraceptive options, and each one may have its own impact on the woman who takes it. Whichever

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